Monday, January 31, 2011

Bubble maps

Today we embarked on the journey of Thinking Maps.  We started the day, in Reading, looking at words we would use to describe one of our favorite characters (after we described ourselves).  Students then identified the adjectives they felt best described that character.  The frame?  Holding those 2 adjectives in mind .... How would Irene deal with losing her homework?  

In Writing time we used the Bubble Map to describe a school object and then challenged ourselves to add adjectives (those, or others) to our own writing.

Overall, a good first go of it :)

1 comment:

Son said...

I'm so glad we have our first "from the classroom" post. I just wonder why the green and the black. What was that object? Socks?

I never realized how sparingly I used adjectives until I made bubble maps. In truth, adjectives are very useful; I get too lazy to incorporate them into my writing.